The Journey...Childhood

Childhood is a very beautiful and fun part of Life and I should not rob Abang of his childhood....JUST to ensure that he grows up Normally.
Am I making sense at all?
Often I tell him to be quiet when he is squealing.
I tell him to keep still when he is dancing
and I tell him to Stop It when he imagines monsters and ghost.....
and I expect Abang to have a happy childhood?
I dont want Abang to hate his childhood and all that he remembers is to get beaten by his Mad and uncontrollable Ummi.
I realise that I will let Abang be who he is. I will guide him, and love him and entertain his unbelievable stories....who knows he might be a successful Author one day?
Some positive feedback from Abang teachers this week. Great Keep it up son. You did well for spelling...and remember your Teacher gave you a lollipop because you got full marks for Spelling and she told you not to tell your classmates but you showed everyone in class? ...hahah...
 Ummi will constantly back you long as you are on the Right Path.....
Motherhood can be such a blessing and a joy.
It can also be a drag and stressful. Depends on how we look at things.
Allah will not test me beyond what I can handle and I am sure, I am strong enough to go through this Journey with Abang.
