The Journey...Alone...

Sometimes I feel as if my boy....and me are walking a road alone.... with Adik and our Bibik.... We are the people who often see my boy at his Worse and at his Best.... After work, I go home and teach him...Alone.... I scream, I scold, I shout..... or I laugh, I hug and I smile.... He doesn't know.... Cos its just us...and Our Creator. May We be given strength....Our problems are so small compared to the problems of other children in this world. I just watched this show on CHANNEL NEWS ASIA on HIV kids in Myanmar. It was so heart-felt and sad. Orphans as young as 4 years old are being send to the HIV shelter to get better and than they have to learn to fend for themselves in this huge world. Oh....It made me think.... the problems I face with Abang is nothing compared to the problems of other children in this world. The sufferings they face are far more atrocious than what Abang and I go through, in face, I cannot even call it a problem. I am ashamed. I will ...