~ Alhamdullilah...
This was our medals for the 5KM Great Eastern Women's Run 2015....
I Had gone for the run with some girlfriends despite not feeling too well.
It was my first run. I didnt really know what to expect and how my body would take it..... Didnt really train for it as well since I had been sick for a few months.
Alhamdullilah, I survied, and Glad I went ahead to experience the whole atmosphere.
Now, unfortunately, I am feeling the reverse effects of the run.....muscle pain!!! The whole body feels as its been beaten up...Still I am all right...I can take it....
Aiming for 10KM next year, Insya'Allah...have been advised for 10KM run, I must train for it.... else, it can be tough and even damaging. Since I could do 5KM, I just want to push myself a little further.
The euphoria of finishing the run and crossing the finishing line was epic!
It goes to show, determination is a huge role in success.
I was celebrating silently just after the finishing line.
Hubby and kids were not with me at the finishing line, though there was an array of husbands with camera in their hands to snap a pic of their wives. .It would be sweeter if I had my family with me.
I dream one day, I can participate in this run with Adik...like a Mummy and daughter pair.... That will be Awesome.
Exercise is Sunnah after all.
and Over-Eating is Bid'aah... (in my own words of course!)
Adik had recovered from PIN WORMS after 3 weeks of itch....
DH - Dear Hubby is on track to success Insya'Allah....The blessings keeps pouring in. I kept reminding DH to stay humble and thankful.
God had blessed my family so much. I must keep reminding the kids to be thankful as well.
Abang did not do too well in the 'end-year' SA2 exams. Abang IS my test and challenge. I must NOT give up on him. He is trying....but for him, the road is more difficult due to his inability to concentrate for long.
This Duniya is all about test. and I am glad I am given this test. It has made me humble, patient and understanding. If I had smart kids, I do not know if I am able to understand 'special needs' kids. I will be too caught up in my children's success not know the real meaning of struggle and perseverance.
~ Abang, Ummi love you and believe you can achieve success. Dont give up on your dreams sayang.
Adik did well, despite not studying. She could have done better if she studied. I must place more attention on her as well.
~ Adik, remember to be thankful and humble and use your intelligence to do good and help the Ummah.
On another note....
Aishah told me she was pregnant...only a few weeks.. I am already having thoughts...can Hubby allow me to take care of this baby?
My motherly instinct is bursting....I really want to take care of the baby. Aishah needs someone to take care of the baby while she is away at work right..... Hmmmmm.......
P/S - Life is full of ups and downs.....
Thank you Allah for everything......