Memoirs of the Good Wife ~ Praying next to you....

Its now sheer happiness every time you get home from work.... 
to prepare your bath towel and prayer mats
and make you feel at ease....

Alhamdullilah, I am thankful when you are home next to me and we are able to do Isyak prayers together, followed by Baa'diah and Witr and than I serve you dinner. 

I am thankful when I get to do Jemaah next to you, as your makmum and you being my Imam. I hope this routine will never end. 

Sitting next to you as you recite duas, the heart feels at ease.... terharu sangat....
but still hoping, you won't be taken away from me. 

Everyday I pray, with all my heart, Allah will give me another chance to be a better wife than who I was before. 
