The Journey ~ Test scores

Abang came home with his English' test scores. Dissapointingly, he could have passed with just another 1 mark. What tickled me much was Abang wrote 15, and "sory rong" He meant to say "Sorry Wrong, the marks should be 15 instead of 14. When I scolded him for failing the test, Abang said " Ummi I passed. There, teacher wrote "15 sory rong for writing 14" Boy Boy...who was he kidding? Of course, I told him to stop lying and that his Spelling error sold him off. He smiled coyly, embarassed that he was caught lying. Slowly step by step......I encouranged Abang to do better next time and that he could have passed if he attempted more questions. Sadly, when we went through the questions, he could give me the answers. But he was lazy to write it down, hence alot of it went un-answered. Really, I want to try and help him...hopefully, he can improve next year.... Insya'Allah.