The Journey...Childhood

Childhood is a very beautiful and fun part of Life and I should not rob Abang of his childhood....JUST to ensure that he grows up Normally. Am I making sense at all? Often I tell him to be quiet when he is squealing. I tell him to keep still when he is dancing and I tell him to Stop It when he imagines monsters and ghost..... and I expect Abang to have a happy childhood? I dont want Abang to hate his childhood and all that he remembers is to get beaten by his Mad and uncontrollable Ummi. I realise that I will let Abang be who he is. I will guide him, and love him and entertain his unbelievable stories....who knows he might be a successful Author one day? Some positive feedback from Abang teachers this week. Great Keep it up son. You did well for spelling...and remember your Teacher gave you a lollipop because you got full marks for Spelling and she told you not to tell your classmates but yo...