~ 10 Days of being Helperless

The bibik has once again "Balik Kampung" Insya'Allah back in time for Ramadhan.... I feel, she has more annual leave than any other bibiks. But I can't bear to not allow her the frequent home visits, cos she has kids who miss her though they are big. Ive been handling the housework, like a busy ant. Never stop, always moving...... Wash, ironing, hanging clothes, clean kitchen, pick up trash around the house, prepare breakfast, clean the beds, wash toilets, wipe tables, boil water..... Washed the dishes and waited for the water to boil My best Friend; Mr Bosch I'm truly happy to be doing the chores, reminded me of the early days in my marriage before I hired a helper... Yes, I feel the fatigue. At times, I can barely open my eyes, but after a night's rest, I'd find my energy again and will go around the house, doing what ever necessary.... The kids don't help much, except Adik who loves to do dishes and wash the toilets....I...